Well, I guess I haven't been very good about keeping up with the blog. Connor was two months old on Saturday! He is getting so big and his personality is really starting to show.
He is an extremely happy baby and generally finds life to be full of joy (and why shouldn't it be for a baby!). Yesterday we went for his 2 month shots and he cried at the top of his lungs for two hours last night which is easily the most we've heard from him since he has been born. We are very lucky with his personality.
He is growing so fast! We put away his newborn clothes around 6 weeks. As of yesterday, he weighs 11lbs15.5oz (60th percentile) and is 25 inches long (97th percentile - how did we get such a "tall" baby?!?!). His head is 16 inches around (70th percentile). He has a very long torso, so he is starting to outgrow his 3 month old clothes already! But he is very skinny and has relatively short legs, so shorts are really long on him and more or less hang off his skinny body.
Connor is full of smiles and is trying really hard to laugh. He thinks that his mobile is the greatest thing in the entire world and when he is watching it lets out shrieks of glee! He smiles when he sees Mommy, Daddy, Oxford and other people he recognizes. He will also "talk" back if you talk to him, so I imagine he will have plenty to say when he is older (I wonder where he gets that from!).
Connor loves to dance and listen to me sing (I wonder how long I have before he realizes I'm tone deaf and he asks me to be quiet).
He loves looking at pictures and in the mirror. I don't think he knows he is looking at himself (on a sidenote, Oxford can't tell that the big, black dog is his reflection either and often barks at it), but he thinks it is really fun. Danny and I are thinking of taking him to a museum sometime to look at the pictures.
He forced us to transition him to his crib. He was previously sleeping in a bassinet in our room, but one side was solid fabric. No matter how I put him in the bassinet, he would roll to the side of the solid fabric and I was afraid of him suffocating. He made the transition seamlessly and the first night he slept in there, he slept for 6 straight hours (which led to a terrified mama when I woke up). He is becoming a better sleeper. Some nights he will go for 7 hours and others we are still up every 3, but I can't complain considering it could be far worse. I think I'm pretty laid back with Connor, but SIDS scares me, so I have some anxiety about his sleeping.
He is very wiggly. He turns (not rolls) in his crib every night and sometimes I find him at the opposite of the crib from where he started. Last night he actually made his way all the way around the crib. You can tell he wants to be up and moving and I'm afraid we may have an early mover on our hands. When he lays on his stomach, he pushes with his legs and tries to scoot. When you stand him on your lap, he will put one foot in front of the other like he is walking (I think this may be a reflex, but I will continue to believe my child is just extremely advanced!). I figured I had a lot longer to babyproof my house, but I think we will need to get on that soon.
Connor took his first shower a few weeks ago. Sometimes he is a little skeptical of the spraying water, but once he warms up he loves it.
Depending on the day, he can sit in his Bumbo chair (picture below). Sometimes he doesn't feel like making the effort to hold up his head, but other days he will sit there contentedly for a few minutes.
We are looking forward to taking him to the lake this summer. I think he will love riding in the boat and dipping his toes in the water. I can't wait until he is a little older and he can go swimming and jump off the dock with his cousins!
He is starting to discover the cause and effect of waving his hands. He gets really excited when he hits something on his playmat, but he continues to whack himself in the face since he doesn't entirely understand that he controls them.
He loves riding in his stroller with the sun canopy down so he can see the trees. I'm sure he will love it even more when he is sitting up and can see everything going on around him.
His head control is getting a lot better - he is working really hard to keep it up so he can look around. He doesn't love being on his tummy, but will sometimes make the effort to lift his head and turn from side to side.
He loves naked time which has resulted in us being peed on many times.
His eyes are getting bluer, so I am hopeful they stay that way. His hair looks pretty red some days and pretty dark others. I think he will ultimately have hair like Danny's - brown with definite shades of red.
Now for some pictures!