Now that we've made a lot of progress inside the house, it was time to tackle the outside. We've made a ton of progress in the front, but the back is still a work in progress! Here is the front on the day of our inspection.
As you can see, the front landscaping was just some boxwoods, which made a great foundation to our landscaping. Although it's hard to tell, the boxwoods line the front of a very deep bed.
Here is what we did:
- Moved the boxwoods back following the line of the house to create more of a hedge look
- Added a white dogwood tree between the windows to add some height and visual interest to the bed
- Added a row of hot pink azalea bushes which will eventually grow together to create a secondary hedge
- Filled in with some hostas and New Guinea Impatiens
My overall goal for the front bed was to add some color in the springtime and also because it is such a deep bed, add some additional evergreen plants so we still have some interest in the winter. Overall, I think we achieved our goal, but I think we will need to make some changes next year. For example, as much as I love the hydrangea bushes we put in the front corners, the plants are growing much larger and faster than we expected and by summer, I think they may take over the boxwoods behind them. We planted three bushes on each side because they were so small initially, so I think next year we will need to move two from each side and prune the one we leave way back so it doesn't get quite as big. I think it's trial and error and for our first year and having a lot on our plates, I think we did pretty well!
Look how tiny the hydrangeas were when we planted them. We did not expect they would go SO fast!
We owe a huge thank you to Danny's aunts Kathy and Margy for their expertise and helping us plant the front bed!
Danny also removed this huge shrub from the front of our fence and we are going to add some lilac bushes in its place.
Not sure why this won't rotate, but I added some flowers to the side of our garage.
Something else I've been working on, and quite honestly, enjoying, is power washing everything I can think of. I find power washing to be extremely satisfying because you can see so much progress as you go. Much more interesting to me than cleaning the kitchen.
Right side post washing, left side needing to be washed. I haven't finished the fence because it will take forever, but I am going through it a section at a time.
Up soon, the rest of the back yard!