Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's a girl! And some bump pictures!

So, obviously, I'm pregnant :-). I took a posting hiatus partially because we've been so busy actually trying to get stuff down at the house and partially because at the end of the day, I'm so exhausted that I just want to sleep! This pregnancy has been much more difficult than my pregnancy with Connor. Part of that I'm sure is because I spend my days chasing around Connor, but I think part of it is just because it's just different. But because I've been much sicker this time around, we thought maybe it was a girl (that's the Old Wives' Tale, which my OB said is somewhat true). Danny was actually firmly convinced it was a girl, I was a little more skeptical. We've been dying to know boy vs girl since we found out I was pregnant, so when my OB asked me at our 18-week ultrasound if we wanted to know, it was a firm yes! My dr said it is "definitely" a girl (I've heard stories where someone is told one thing and finds out when the baby is born, it's the opposite).

And for anyone wondering, no, we have no idea what we are going to name her. Connor was so easy. We agreed on it early, we went to the ultrasound and when we left, we agreed again to his name and that was that. This one just isn't that easy. It's not that we don't agree on names, it's just that nothing feels quite right yet. I've never been someone who wanted to wait until I met the baby to decide on a name, but I feel like that just might be us this time around. Maybe we will have one of those magical movie moments at the hospital where they put her in our arms and we just say "Hi, insert baby name here" and know. I doubt it. But maybe.

I often get asked if Connor understands and to some degree he does. He knows there is a baby in my belly and he likes to talk to it, hug it and kiss it. But do I think that he understands that in a few months a baby will actually be living in the room next door, taking up attention and rocking his world. No, he definitely doesn't. But he's very sweet and he loves to listen to baby's heartbeat (recorded on my phone from an appointment) and look at the ultrasound pictures (which I need to scan or take a picture of to upload!), so I think while it will certainly require some adjusting, he will be a great big brother.

Since most of the people who read this blog are family and actually care about the progression of my bump, I will post a few pictures.

Where I started, 4ish weeks
9 weeks (If I look tired it's because I am! This was the weekend we moved).

14 weeks. Starting to "thicken" up

17 weeks. Starting to look like a little baby is in there

Finally, I think I actually look pregnant to someone who doesn't know!


  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com

  2. Congrats again! That must be so exciting to be having a girl. Can't wait until she makes her entrance! You are looking great, and hope you're feeling great! (pics of nursery must be coming....some day!)

    1. Justine. We haven't started the nursery yet. All I know is that right now I want to do purple. We have a green gingham chair from Connor's room that will also be going in there and we are reusing all his furniture and we got him new stuff. With all our other projects, I refused to even think about the nursery until we knew boy or girl!
